• IndTech – an area of excellence from Sweden

Swedish IndTech

There are many technologies used to make the industry smarter. Many of these technologies are developed for other lines of business, but there are also technologies originating from industry needs. The term IndTech is the collective name for technologies that are implemented to make the industry smart.

For more than a century, technology exports have been a cornerstone of the Swedish economy. Now that the industry is being digitized, large technology suppliers will be the basis of a Swedish market system with hundreds of small and medium-sized specialist companies. IndTech in Sweden has sales of more than SEK 100 billion (read the report Swedish IndTech 2020). If machine builders and technology consulting companies are included, the figure is several times larger.

The Swedish industry for digitization of the industry, Swedish IndTech, compares in size with the basic industry but has a significantly higher growth rate. Swedish IndTech is an industry that, through development collaboration, gives Swedish industry advantages and time advantages while technology suppliers can develop offers for the world market. The global market for IndTech is estimated to be worth approximately USD 405 billion by 2020 and grow by 7 percent per year.

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Swedish IndTech – The Market

The purpose of this survey of the Swedish and global IndTech industry is to provide clarity around the sector while increasing its visibility. Sweden’s export of technology is an ongoing and resounding success, within which IndTech is a quiet achiever. And it’s time that people knew about it!

Read the report here!



AI & Digital Platforms

This report has two primary purposes: to provide industry with an evaluation of the importance of AI development as a force for change, and to create an internal basis for PiiA’s future development efforts, within which AI can be described as the next phase of industry’s digitalisation. Both these objectives are naturally compatible with the overall ambition of the report: to reach our target group of industry leaders and to serve as a source of knowledge for ongoing activities within relevant companies.

Read the report here!

About us

New technology enables smarter, safer and more climate-efficient solutions for industry. Sweden has a high degree of innovation and we generally quickly adopt new ways of working and solutions. We definitely have a chance to become a world leader in the climate-efficient process industry and we see great interest from other countries in learning more about our industries and how they apply new technology. We therefore work together to spread the “Swedish model” and how Swedish companies work with IndTech.

Blue Institute promotes research and knowledge development in marketing, entrepreneurship and organization and works to increase understanding of the role of leadership in change and for socio-economic growth.

Visit Blue Institute

Automation Region creates conditions for world-class automation applications and contributes to increasing understanding of developments in the automation area.

Visit Automation Region

The strategic innovation program PiiA aims to ensure that the process industry has the advanced IT and automation solutions needed to be able to take advantage of digitalisation more efficiently than its competitors in the world market.

Visit PiiA


Please contact us if you want to collaborate or discuss Swedish IndTech.

Catarina Berglund

Process leader Automation Region

Örjan Larsson

Senior Advisor Blue Institute

Author of the report Swedish IndTech 2021

Peter Wallin

Program manager of the strategic innovation program PiiA